

Kate Stewart, Senior Director of Strategic Programs, The Linux Foundation

Lessons learned from the Linux Kernel: creating sustained healthy communities

Presentation slides


The Linux Kernel is one of the most successful open source projects to date. After 26 years, the rate of code contribution continues to be high, new developers are still being attracted to participating, and the code is in widespread use. By analyzing the contributions, we can see how individuals impact the kernel’s evolution as a whole, as do the organizations in the kernel ecosystem. So what lessons can we learn from this information? What information is relevant to software community health in general that is not being caught in traditional health metrics? This talk will discuss how the insights from the Linux kernel are being applied to other Linux Foundation open source projects to create healthy vibrant communities producing useful code for us all.


Kate Stewart is a Senior Director of Strategic Programs at the Linux Foundation. Since joining The Linux Foundation, she has launched the CHAOSS, Real-Time Linux and Zephyr Projects. She is actively involved in the Open Source Compliance programs (SPDX, FOSSology, OpenChain, etc) and analysis of the Linux Kernel with cregit. With almost 30 years of experience in the software industry, she has held a variety of roles and worked as a developer in Canada, Australia, and the US. In the last 20 years, she has managed software development teams in the US, Canada, UK, India, and China. Throughout this period, the products developed were primarily based on open source. She has done release management for Ubuntu, product management for Linaro, as well as software ecosystem enablement at Motorola/Freescale. She received her Master’s in computer science from the University of Waterloo and Bachelor’s of computer science (co-op program) from the University of Manitoba.

Detailed Program

8:30 - 9:00   Registration
9:00-10:30   Introduction
Welcome slides
  Welcome of participants (30 min)
  Keynote by Kate Stewart
"Lessons learned from the Linux Kernel: creating sustained healthy communities"
10:30-11:00   Coffee
11:00-12:30   Session 2 (Software ecosystem health)
  Long paper by Daiki Katsuragawa, Akinori Ihara, Raula Gaikovina Kula and Kenichi Matsumoto
"Maintaining Third-Party Libraries through Domain-Specific Category Recommendations"
  Long Paper by Susanne Boshuis, Tim Braam, Alejandra Pedroza Marchena and Slinger Jansen
"The Effect of Generic Strategies on Software Ecosystem Health: The Case of Cryptocurrency Ecosystems"
  Long Paper by Sami Hyrynsalmi, Jukka Ruohonen and Marko Seppänen
"Healthy until otherwise proven: Some Proposals for Renewing Research of Software Ecosystem Health"
  Long Paper by Yannick Mijsters, Amr Mustafa, Ionut Mihai and Slinger Jansen
"On the Nature of Software Sub-Ecosystems and their Health"
12:30-14:00   Lunch
14:00-14:30   Session 3 (OSS Health)
  Short presentation by Ahmed Zerouali
"Software Health of Reusable Systems: a Study of Technical Lag in npm Packages and Docker Containers"
  Short presentation by Robert Viseur and Amel Charleux
"Why is my community not so healthy? Exploring managerial factors in the case of Claroline open source project"
14:30-15:30   Joint CHAOSS/SECOHealth discussion session on software health
  "Community Health Analytics: Building a Shared Software and Data Infrastructure" by Sean Goggins from the CHAOSS Metrics Committee and Technical Software Committee for measuring open source community activity, contributions, and health.
  Open discussion session about what constitutes software health and how it can be measured
  Links to the presentation and OSS Research Software and Data
15:30-16:00   Coffee
16:00-17:30   Session 5 (Health vs. Cloud, Finances and Global Development)
  Long Paper by Andrea Capiluppi and Nemitari Ajienka
"National Boundaries and Semantics of Artefacts in Open Source Development"
  Long Paper by Anas Shatnawi, Matteo Orru, Marco Mobilio, Oliviero Riganelli and Leonardo Mariani
"CloudHealth: A Model-Driven Approach to Watch the Health of Cloud Services"
Link to the presentation.
  Long Paper by Joost Dijkers, Rowan Sincic, Nicole Wasankhasit and Slinger Jansen
"Examining the Effect of Software Ecosystem Health on the Financial Performance of Open Source Companies"

(*) Long papers will have 15 minutes for presentation, while short presentations will have 10 minutes.