Welcome to the 3rd International Workshop on Software Health
Seoul, South Korea - (Virtual) July 3rd, 2020 - co-located with 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2020)

Jun 17, 2020 - Update: Please register for the workshop before Jun, 24th (AoE).
May 6, 2020 - Update: Given the recent update for a virtual ICSE, the SoHeal workshop will also be held virtually in early July. We are exploring the best technical options and will update you as soon as possible.
March 5, 2020 - Update: Given the current situation with COVID-19, the SoHeal organizing committee has decided to remain co-located with ICSE, meaning that the workshop is also postponed until October 2020 (see the ICSE announcement here). Our primary priority is the safety and health of the workshop attendees (and your family). In these difficult times, we wish that we can all return to a more serene situation very soon and will be posting updates on our website and twitter.
SoHeal aims to enable and promote collaboration between academia and industry, unifying the views on software health of researchers and practitioners. The workshop's goals are to: (i) raise awareness of practitioners' problems with software health; (ii) familiarize practitioners with the progress made by academia; and (iii) connect the two communities to advance the body of knowledge and the state of practice.
Software Health can vary depending on the viewpoint of the involved stakeholders: process factors, technical factors concerning the source code and related software artefacts, social factors concerning the communities of software contributors and users, and business factors concerning commercial aspects of the software product. Software health encompasses many development and evolution attributes, including success, longevity, growth, resilience, survival, diversity, and sustainability.
As can be witnessed by recent initiatives such as the Linux Foundation's CHAOSS project on community health analytics, and the SECO-ASSIST research project realized the need for a socio-technical perspective concerning software health. Such a perspective is challenging, due to the volatile storage of information regarding social relations, conflicts and interactions. There is a need to find better methods, techniques and tools to monitor software health, as well as to predict and take corrective measures when health implications arise. SoHeal 2020 will have a special focus on software ecosystem health on which these issues are more pronounced. Due to the socio-technical dimension of software ecosystems, measuring their health, identifying the issues, and fixing them is particularly challenging. Indeed, health indicators and their operationalization at project-level should be aggregated to ecosystem level.
Important dates
- Position paper submission deadline:
January 22, 2020February 7, 2020 - Industry/Practitioner talk proposal deadline:
January 22, 2020February 7, 2020 - Notification of acceptance: February 25, 2020
- Camera Ready for accepted position papers:
March 16, 2020April 7, 2020 - Workshop:
May 24, 2020;October, 2020;3rd July, 2020